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  • 🧠Which Foods Can Supercharge Your Brain for Better Memory and Sharpness?🌟

🧠Which Foods Can Supercharge Your Brain for Better Memory and Sharpness?🌟

Have you ever wondered which foods can boost your brain health?

Today, we're going to peel back the layers and rediscover the best brain-boosting foods. Sure, things like exercise, medical check-ups, good sleep, mental workouts, and socializing matter a lot, but today it's all about the power of food.

What Are The Early Signs That You Might Need A Brain Boost?

Have you ever paused for a minute or two just trying to recall what you need to do in the kitchen when it is just supposed to be getting a glass of water, but you were stuck and wondering instead? That happens to me a lot! Most of the time, with keys, too! With those incidents, I realized something must be addressed because something in me feels wrong. I needed to take care of my health, especially my brain because losing sharp memory would surely cost me much in the future. As we always say, prevention is better than cure.

I am only 33, and I am preparing myself for the possibilities. A study shows that people start to notice changes as they enter their 50s and 60s. This also implies that as early as the 30s or 40s, the nutrients in the body that fight cognitive decline are consistently sufficient!

Each of us has plenty of responsibilities to juggle every day. As busy bees, we often lose track of what we need to do, become overwhelmed, lose focus, and forget even the simplest tasks.

Remember, good brain health is essential to cope optimally with our abilities and psychological, behavioral, and emotional functioning.

What Causes Decline in Memory Focus?

Forgetfulness is usually caused by the following, according to Harvard Health Publishing Medical School:

  • Poor diet and food choices

  • Lack of sleep

  • Medications such as tranquilizers, antidepressants, drugs related to high blood and other medications

  • Underactive thyroid

  • Alcohol consumption

  • Stress

  • Anxiety and depression

What Nutrients Does Our Brain Need?

Adequate nutrition is where our brain relies, these are nutrients that are important for its normal functioning. So, if you ever happen to encounter these nutrients, you’ll know its good for the brain!

What foods help you focus better? To lower the chances of having cognitive decline, choosing healthy food, having a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle are needed.

What foods should I eat to sharpen my memory? This is also the same question I always ask myself before I study nutrition and dietetics. Now that I already know it, let me share it with you!

Here’s a list of food items I compiled and followed, which you can also use and incorporate into your daily meals to enhance memory focus or simply help you memorize faster:

  • Avocados - One of my favorite superfoods as it is packed with Vitamin E, Folate, Niacin, Potassium, Pantothenic Acid, and Dietary Fiber, which makes Avocados known to improve cognitive performance, too. 30 to 68 grams or 1 to 2.40 ounces is enough per serving

  • Fish - you might always hear about omega-3 fatty acids or DHA. It plays a vital role in our brains to function normally and efficiently. So, from now on, do not forget to add fish to your grocery lists. Choices include salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel! The recommended serving size per meal is 3 ounces or about ¾ cup if flaked

  • Chia Seeds - to ensure I am adding brain food to my drinks and cereals, I add at least 1 to 2.5 tbsp of chia seeds since it is also known to be a brain superfood due to its omega-3 fatty acids content

  • Blueberries - when oxidative stress may negatively affect our brain function, blueberries have your back! It contains antioxidants to benefit our neurons. ½ to 1 cup of blueberries or 25 to 50 pcs to enjoy daily is enough to nibble on or include in your meals

  • Whole grains - these grains contain fiber, iron, vitamin B, zinc, magnesium, phytochemicals, healthy fats, vitamin E, and antioxidants, which makes it a good food choice for brain health rather than refined grains, as some nutrients are stripped away during processing. Whole grains include whole wheat, barley, rye, oats, brown rice, quinoa, corn, and buckwheat. A serving of whole grain can be 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of ready-to-eat cereal, or 1.2 cups cooked rice, cooked pasta, or cooked cereal equivalent to 1 ounce.

  • Green Leafy Vegetables - at least 1 serving per day of green leafy vegetables may help to slow down cognitive decline. 1 serving of leafy vegetables is equal to ½ cup. It is also nice if you can do at least ½ cup every meal.

  • Tea and Coffee - Both of the coffee and Tea contain caffeine - which is said to lower the risk of neurodegeneration in humans. It also improves mood, learning, alertness and protects brain from certain diseases. 400 mg of caffeine from coffee or tea is safe for every healthy adults.

  • Walnuts - Dietary consumption of walnuts of at least 1 to 2 ounces per day, can improve cognitive functions and development of dementia.

Note that the list above is the top brain health-boosting foods compiled. It doesn't mean that these are the only foods we need to eat! It is just recommended to focus on those food items and still consider the principles of moderation, variety, and balance when planning your meals.

Moreover, we are lucky to have MyPlate, a visual reminder developed by USDA as our guide throughout the day or week!


I like sweets, some say it is good for my brain?

No to sugary foods. These sugary foods are not recommended to be regularly consumed in excess as they may lead to memory and cognitive deficiencies.

Can I drink alcohol?

Avoid Alcohol as much as possible as it may interfere with the brain communication pathways! It can affect how the brain looks and works. Remember, moderation!

What else can I do aside from eating the foods you mentioned?

Stay physically active! CDC states that staying physically active can improve memory, reduce anxiety and depression which also leads to the reduction of the risks of cognitive decline and worse case, dementia. 3x a week of exercise per day for 30 minutes wont hurt!

Are the above mentioned recommendations for all?

The recommendations above are for individuals without restrictions provided by their physicians. In case you have special conditions, you may need to consult your Doctor or Nutritionist-Dietitian for a more individualized approach so they can properly integrate plans.


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